mMecoSettings - Package Global Env

Meco™ provides a Python module mMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib where you can change/add global package environment settings. You can change the behaviour of package initialization paths globally by adding new classes or changing the existing classes in this module.


The following example has been directly taken from mMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib module that you can find in mMecoSettings/python/mMecoSettings/ path.

from platform import system

## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Package folder structure for Linux.
class PackageLinux(object):

    ## [ str ] - Bin (executables) path.
    PATH            = ['bin/{}'.format(system().lower()),

    ## [ str ] - Library path.
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ['lib/{}'.format(system().lower())]

    ## [ str ] - Python path.
    PYTHONPATH      = ['python']

## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Package folder structure for Darwin.
class PackageDarwin(PackageLinux):

    ## [ str ] - Library path.
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH             = None

    ## [ str ] - Library path.
    DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH  = ['lib/{}'.format(system().lower())]

## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Package folder structure for Windows.
class PackageWindows(object):

    ## [ str ] - Bin (executables) path.
    PATH            = ['bin\\{}'.format(system().lower()),

    ## [ str ] - Library path.
    LIBRARY_PATH    = ['lib\\{}'.format(system().lower())]

    ## [ str ] - Python path.
    PYTHONPATH      = ['python']

## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Maya folder structure in a package for Linux.
class MayaLinux(object):

    ## [ str ] - Python path.
    PYTHONPATH          = ['FOLDER_NAME/VERSION/python']

    ## [ str ] - Maya script.

    ## [ str ] - Maya shelves.

    ## [ str ] - Maya plugin.
    MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH   = ['FOLDER_NAME/VERSION/plugin/{}'.format(system().lower())]

    ## [ str ] - Maya XMB.

## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Maya folder structure in a package for Darwin.
class MayaDarwin(MayaLinux):


## @brief [ ENUM CLASS ] - Maya folder structure in a package for Windows.
class MayaWindows(object):

    ## [ str ] - Python path.
    PYTHONPATH          = ['FOLDER_NAME\\VERSION\\python']

    ## [ str ] - Maya script.

    ## [ str ] - Maya shelves.

    ## [ str ] - Maya plugin.
    MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH   = ['FOLDER_NAME\\VERSION\\plugin\\{}'.format(system().lower())]

    ## [ str ] - Maya XMB.