mMeco - CLI (Command Line Interface)

Meco™ CLI provide two main aliases namely meco and sss, which you can use to initialize en environment.


--about | -ab

Type: bool

Display information about Meco™.

--version | -ver

Type: bool

Display version.

--project | -p

Type: str

Name of the project that you want to initialize. Default project name "master" will be used If this flag is not provided.

--developer | -d

Type: str

Development --development | -de or stage --stage | -se environment will be initialized for the provided developer (user) when requested. Default value is set to current user.

--development | -de

Type: str

Name of the development environment, which would be initialized upon request. Optionally --developer | -d flag can be provided before this flag.

--stage | -se

Type: str

Name of the stage environment, which would be initialized upon request. Optionally --developer | -d flag can be provided before this flag. Stage environment will be ignored if --development | -de flag is provided.

--app | -a

Type: str

Name or absolute path of an app file.

--app-args | -aa

Type: str

Custom arguments, which will be append to the app executable. For this flag to have affect --app | -a flag must be provided.

--ignore-app-exec | -iae

Type: bool

If you provide this flag, the executable provided by the app file (if any) will be ignored and not run. However, its environment will be initialized. For this flag to have affect --app | -a flag must be provided.

--display-only | -do

Type: bool

Environment script will be written only to display the environment information but not to set it.

--set-only | -so

Type: bool

Environment script will be written only to set the environment but not to display any information about it. If --set-only | -so flag is provided, --display-only | -do flag will be ignored.

--verbose | -v

Type: int

Default: 2

Verbosity level of the display data.

Value Description
1 Env packages
2 Env packages with variables
3 Env packages with variables, command and scripts
4 All including variables, command and scripts in pre and post envs

--display-info | -di

Type: int

Default: 0

Display requested information, do not initialize an environment.

Value Description
0 Display no info
1 Display request
2 Display settings
3 Display all

--ignore-env-scripts | -ies

Type: bool

Ignore script type env entries.

--ignore-env-commands | -iec

Type: bool

Ignore command type env entries.

--ignore-pre | -ipre

Type: bool

Ignore pre env build.

--ignore-post | -ipost

Type: bool

Ignore post env build.

--raise-exceptions | -re

Type: bool

Raise exceptions instead of showing error messages. Useful for debugging.

--last | -l

Type: bool

Repeat last initialized environment exactly. This flag will use existing (if any) env script to initialize the request environment.